Academic Support
The Academic Support program is a part of the St.Thomas More college prep curriculum. The program is designed to offer additional assistance to students with learning differences. While accommodations are provided to students, success ultimately depends primarily upon parents and students' commitment to the use of these services.
Requirements for ACT Testing with Accommodations
If your child would like to take the ACT with accommodations please note the following:
- ACT now requires a full education evaluation (within the last 3 years) or
- ACT requires a physician's statement for any medical conditions (including ADHD) within one year
- ACT requires a current Individual Accommodation Plan
Any student wishing to take the ACT with accommodations must have a current signed consent form on file with the Department of Academic Support. You can access that document here.
Please note that STM does not approve or disapprove requested accommodations. This is the sole responsibility of ACT. They determine the necessary accommodations based on information provided by the office.
If your child would like to take the PSAT with accommodations the same rules apply. The consent form for the PSAT can be accessed here.
For more information refer to the links below.
For all other questions, please contact Brian Watkins at, Academic Support Director.
Contact Us
Brian Watkins
Extension: 141